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Facilities Manager Monte Mehlhoff's campus construction update explains the work taking place to the southeast of JFAC - it's part of science center storm sewer installation.

Regional Science Education Center
Masons continue work on the greenhouse walls. The steel crew is erecting steel on the north wing. Footings and foundations have been installed and backfilled at the mechanical yard. Plumbers continue underground work in the south wing. Plumbers and electricians are doing rough-ins on deck ahead of slab placements. The concrete crew is preparing for floor placements on deck as well as the concrete on grade at stair No. 2.

The utility contractor is continuing with the storm line, which is through the tunnel but not the inner duct lines. This work is taking place in part on the south and southeast sides of JFAC. They will continue to the east, crossing the parking lot and into the construction site. The framing crew has started installing metal studs for the parapet at the roof line.

Athletic Complex
The electrical vault has been installed. The south retaining wall was to be poured Aug. 17. Roof framing and sheathing is complete and the second-floor exterior walls are framed and were to be sheathed by Aug. 17. Metal roof and wall panel installation has begun and is expected to continue for about two weeks.

On the pavilion's first floor, sheetrock is being hung and taped, and painting should begin Aug. 20. Workers continue to install ceramic tile in locker rooms.

Also to be complete Aug. 17 was second-floor spray foam insulation application to second-floor walls and beams. Interior wall framing is expected to begin Aug. 20 and should be ongoing through the week.

Elevator installation is set for Aug. 27.

Great Plains East and Great Plains West residence halls
Final touches being completed and students are moving in!

Barnett Center
Carpet replacement is complete. Roof work continues on the lower east side.

Physical Plant
Heating plans boiler replacement continues; piping work is under way and the two old boilers and an old generator have been removed. Landscaping is in progress on the building's west side.

Parking Lots
Kramer Hall lot opened this week. Work continues on the Steele and Newman Center lots.