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Welcome to the NSU News Update - providing information on events happening on campus or involving NSU students, staff and faculty. 

To submit a news item, send it via email to by 5 p.m. Thursday of the week before the announcement should run.


Strategic Enrollment Management (SEM) Update

A kickoff meeting was held for individuals serving on the working groups for Northern's first Strategic Enrollment Management (SEM) plan. A representative of enrollment consultant EAB discussed the process and timeline, which calls for a draft plan to be developed this fall and introduced to campus in December. View the presentation here. Find the timeline and a list of working group members at this link.


Military Veterans Affairs News

Each semester, the NSU Military Veteran Affairs staff certify enrollments for students receiving Military Tuition Assistance, South Dakota State Tuition Assistance or Veteran Education Benefits. The staff submits Certifications after the census date for each term.

  • 202250 Summer 1 (5 weeks) May 31-July 1 – Census Date: July 10
  • 202250 Summer 2 (5 weeks) July 5-Aug. 5 – Census Date: July 15
  • 202250 Summer 3 (10 weeks) May 31-Aug. 5 – Census Date: July 10


Noon Basketball Association

Northern’s summer version of the NBA (Noon Basketball Association) starts Monday at noon in Dacotah Hall. All faculty, staff and students are welcome.

The NBA will play every Monday, Wednesday and Friday throughout the summer except for the following dates, when Dacotah Hall isn’t available: May 30 and June 1, 3, 6, 8 and 15.

There is a code to scan on the posters outside Dacotah. Scanning the code will allow you to submit a liability waiver with a minimum of effort. Hoping for a great turnout on Monday!


Summer Book Bingo

Looking for a summertime day trip? Armchair travel while reading in a comfy chair indoors or browsing a book in the backyard could be perfect!

Add Summer Book Bingo and you can add a challenge to your summer reading and potentially broaden your reading list.

Pick up a bingo card at the library or download one from the library’s Book Bingo Subject Guide.

Read a book from each category until you get five in a row (or a postage stamp, blackout - you decide when you win!)

You can read ebooks and audiobooks to complete the challenge, too. There's no competition involved - unless, of course, you want to enroll your friends, neighbors, or book club in the game!

Post your winning card on social media using: #NSUBookBingo, #northernstateu, #northernstatelibrary. Tag us @nsulibrarian on Instagram and Twitter.

We'd love to hear what books you've been reading!


‘Be Northern’ Nominations

Do you know someone in the NSU campus community who should be featured on Northern social media? Nominate a student, faculty, staff or alum to be featured as a Be Northern on NSU Instagram and Facebook! Nominated are accepted through this online form.